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One third of cases infected with tuberculosis are foreigners
More than half of the cases infected with tuberculosis in Prague are foreigners, mostly from Ukraine. It is shown by the statistics of doctors, according to which the number of the infected is decreasing year-on-year.
Jste cizinka a chystáte se mít miminko? Myslete na pojištění těhotenství i samotného porodu.
Are you a foreigner who has lived in the Czech Republic for a long time and are now expecting a child? It is time to consider pregnancy and childbirth insurance.
Zdravotní pojištění cizinců od Maxima pojišťovny plní podmínky stanovené zákonem
By law, every foreigner who legally resides in the Czech Republic or the Schengen area must have health insurance. Maxima insurance company offers to foreigners two basic health insurance products. Comprehensive Health Insurance is intended for long-term stays and Insurance of Necessary and Urgent Care of Foreigners is typically purchased for 90 days.