Information on COVID-19 vaccination
(Prague, 13.5.2021) We would like to inform clients who have taken out our MaxMedical Comprehensive Foreigners' Health Insurance about the latest news regarding the vaccination against covid-19.
For contracts taken out before 4 May 2021, although coverage for voluntary vaccination against the disease is not included in the policy terms and conditions, as part of its social responsibility and to help overcome the coronavirus pandemic, Maxima Insurance has decided to make a public commitment to cover the cost of vaccination for all Comprehensive Health Insurance clients. For contracts taken out after 5 May 2021, vaccination is already a standard part of the product for MaxMedical Comprehensive Health Insurance contracts taken out for more than and including four months.
In the case of vaccination of foreigners, we must respect the priorities of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and we are waiting for the Czech Republic's central registration system to be made available to foreigners. This should be made available in the coming weeks and vaccinations will only take place in selected health facilities.
The exact cost of the vaccination is not known at this time. Payment for the vaccination will have to be made by the client on the spot and the vaccination will be reimbursed in full upon request.
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